Bay Area Houston Ballet & Theatre
Founded in 1976, Bay Area Houston Ballet & Theatre (BAHBT) strives to be a destination for artists and audiences seeking a highly unique and evolutionary performance experience which combines the rich heritage of the classics with the excitement and limitless possibilities of contemporary dance, theatre, and performance art. A variety of programs have been developed over the years to enhance the community’s awareness of cultural arts through performing arts. The company produces a season each year in their performing residence, the University of Houston-Clear Lake, which includes an eclectic array of classical ballet, contemporary dance and a musical. In addition to their season, BAHBT is an Honor Company of Southwest Regional Dance Association and participates in their annual festival. As with other major ballet companies world wide, BAHBT is the outgrowth of a dance academy, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (RAFA). Founded in 1972 by BAHBT Founder, Lynette Mason Gregg, RAFA continues to serve as the rehearsal and administrative home of BAHBT. Meet the Artistic Staff & Dancers The company also performs on a regular basis at various local events such as the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce Banquet; Panhellenic, Go Texan, and Lunar Rendezvous Festival fashion shows; TAAC@CL; and the Ballunar Festival. Appearances at these and other community events are done on a pro bono basis to demonstrate the company’s support and interest in collaborative projects and interactive experiences that are mutually beneficial for both organizations and, particularly, for the entire Bay Area Houston.