Bullock Marine
Bruce Bullock specializes in speed -160 MPH Plus! A member of SPI the Super Boat International he aims to compete in in the prestigious Key West World Championship this November. Things are heating up for MTI (Marine Technical Incorporated).
Whether you are a high performance boater for pleasure or pursuing competitive goals Bruce Bullock’s expert advice is available. He is globally expanding adding the Eliminator unlimited class. He is currently setting up a dealership in Dubai with others internationally based elsewhere . His mission statement is “ to make his customers as happy and at the same time safe at the speed they want to go.”He is ready to coach a team and drives the boats himself if requested. The thrill of working as a team is only one reward.
What sets Bruce Bullock apart from others is his promise to service any customer anywhere in the world. Presently he is serving clients internationally in Norway, Sweden, Turkey, Dubai and Nigeria where a new team is forming. He will fly to you. He promises his expertise and support from his experience with MTI and Mercury Racing.
Bruce Bullock is the middle child of an Air Force pilot, veteran of WWII and Korea. His love of speed and boats began at an early age. Bullock has been in the industry since 1983.His enthusiasm increased through the years. During that time he sold and serviced various brands including Baja, Fountain and Cigarette boats. Now he focuses on Catamarans and racing a 54′ MTI ready for the World Championship.
Bullock Marine also offers instruction for all High Performance boats that exceed 100 mph to 160 mph and over.
- Insurance Certifications
- Poker Runs
- Race Boat Instruction
- 25 years of Experience
We Come to Your Location Anywhere in the World. All Instruction on the water.