Maas Nursery
More than just a garden center. Everything you need for your garden plus equipment and education classes. We also offer personal and residential professional landscape design and installation in the Bay Area Houston.
An open letter from Jim Maas:
Dear Friend,
My name is Jim Maas and I want to personally invite you to come and discover my gardening paradise. Maas Nursery has every kind of plant that you could imagine and then some. I specialize in the unusual and the unique. Whatever you need for your garden, I have it or can get it for you.
When you come by, plan to spend some time just taking it all in. Bring a truck if you can. You’ll need it! We will ship plants or garden equipment locally.
Garden clubs are welcome also. Please call us first so there are no conflicts. We can provide free speakers for up to 50 attendees.
If you would like to join our mailing list for special discounts and events, please sign up on our website.
I’m looking forward to meeting you personally!